Hassle free and instant claims administration in the UAE is now made possible with MP Warranties

Our Claims Procedure and Processing Standards are the best in the industry. We like to keep it simple and quick for our customers.

With over 10 years of experience in claim administration, our highly qualified team are experts in the entire process with a focus on total customer satisfaction. Our three steps process is simple and easy to implement.

Process One

In-depth Inspection
by Experts

inpection by experts

Our experts will analyze the repairs once you file a claim.

We’ll Authorize Your Repairs

authorize repair

Repairs covered by warranty would receive immediate approval

Process Two
Process Three

Repairs Done Under Warranty

repair under warranty

At our A+ service center, our expert technicians will handle the repairs.

Back on the

back on the road

Your car will now perform flawlessly without costing you a fortune

So as our service provider, your primary task is to ensure that the damaged vehicle and necessary documents are taken to the nominated workshop within our approved network. From there, we take care of everything, and the customer just comes back to pick up his repaired vehicle.

Our dealer workshops will fill the claim, and send it to us, and our Claims Engineer will verify and revert it to them at the earliest.

On completion of the repair, the workshop hands over the vehicle to the customer and sends the approved value invoice to MPW for payment.

MPW’s online system stores all history on claims, forensic reports, and additional data for their records.

We ensure quick turnaround and seamless claim procedures for our customers.

To know the exact details, please contact us to get the best offer.

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